In Jesus Christ, God himself became one of us to heal the rift caused by sin.
There could be no other way. It took a human being, capable of sinning, to stand on our behalf
against sin. But it took a sinless and eternal being—God himself—to actually overcome sin and
close its infinite breach.
That’s who Jesus is—fully human and fully God. And that’s what he accomplished.
You’ve heard that Jesus died on a cross. When he did, your sin died with him. Everything that
was stacked against you— everything
: your guilt, sin’s power over you—Jesus took into his own body and put it to death. That’s what the cross was about. It was a dagger through the heart of
The sinless life you could never live, Jesus lived for you. The death that was yours to die, he died
for you. He restored a free relationship between you and God.
But it gets even better. See A New Life—Starting Now [inset linl]